Thursday, October 5, 2017

Assignment #3 Pathway and Journey

One of the purposes of this course is to prepare you to tell stories using just tonal values of black and white. This a common practice in the entertainment industry as tone conveys mood, light, hierarchy, atmospheric perspective(depth) and enables the artist to stage stories quickly. Tone is also the foundation for color hence the old saying "Color gets all the credit, but value does all the work."
Tonal studies can also being produced quickly, limiting production times and enabling/supporting the critique and revision process inside film production.

Therefore, having the ability to work quickly and efficiently, telling stories and creating worlds in simple tonal variations is of extreme importance!!! In everything you do for the rest of your is used in animation, film, storyboarding, children book illustration, and the backbone of every pre production, development, and production phase.

So take is seriously and make some outstanding work!!

Your assignment brief:
Create 1 or two characters, and show them on quest displaying their pathway or journey to a location with three key shots. If you have two characters they have to be opposite in size, i.e.-Gorilla & little boy, or elephant & fox.

Shot #1 Establishing shot, beginning their journey
Shot #2 Inside the middle of their journey(surrounded by elements)
Shot #3 Inside the location, encountering the problem/story plot, or leaving the location

1. Identify your characters & story for option below
2. Lots of linear thumbnails
3. Pick favorite thumbnail
4.Enlarge thumbnail, clean up and add light in atmospheric perspective
5.Add light and set mood centered around supporting story and best composition.
You must have contrast!!

Ancient Mayan civilization
City in forest

Reference for you:

The amazing Simon Rodgers

The amazing Armand Serrano

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